We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestorswe borrow it from our children.”

- Emerson, The 19th Century American Essayist and Poet



We found that a lot of you may wish to donate and contribute in some way to benefit the planet (or any cause), but might agree for it to be a challenge when it comes to finding the right foundations to approach. This is why forming this alliance with One Tree Planted is a privilege to us! It enables us to create more awareness to you by showing that it is as easy to make a big difference to better the planet by the simple click of a button, no matter where you are, or how big or small your contribution is. 

This partnership provides a direct and effortless approach for you and our other customers to effectively plant a tree when confirming an order upon checkout from our store, helping us tread towards a brighter and greener future!

One Tree Planted's mission is to find a way for you to give back to the environment in the easiest and most effective way, while ours at Ecotique is to help you make a sustainable shift one step at a time with stylish and practical eco-friendly daily products. With us going hand in hand, we as a community are able to make a great difference for a greener tomorrow!


Trees clean our air and water, create habitats for biodiversity, contribute to our health and wellbeing, and create jobs for social impact. We’re honored to have reforestation through One Tree Planted as an integral part of our business model. 

Reforestation is consistently identified by scientists as one of the top solutions to the climate crisis and the trees planted as part of this initiative will support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Read more about the benefits of trees here! 

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their projects span the globe and are done in partnership with local communities and knowledgeable experts to create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife. Reforestation helps to rebuild forests after fires and floods, provide jobs for social impact, and restore biodiversity. Many projects have overlapping objectives, creating a combination of benefits that contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more, visit onetreeplanted.org

The One Tree Planted Community In Action!